Our family loves games. We try to play games together at least once a week. Even when we’re with our extended family, games are a super important part of our family dynamics. We may be a bit competitive at times, but it’s all good fun! We’d love to share with you our top 5 favorite card games right now.
Sushi Go!
We had purchased this game for Samson a few years back for his birthday, but after reading the directions, I threw my hands up in frustration. After hearing from some friends who had gotten it for Christmas how much fun it is and how easy it is for even the little kids, I tried again. With a little help from YouTube, and some grace our first few rounds, it’s now a family favorite. It’s fast paced, fun, and the cards are absolutely adorable!
When Toys R Us was going out of business last summer we picked up this game and it has not disappointed! Set up to emulate the fast pace of the New York Stock Exchange, all players trade commodity cards (i.e. wool, coffee, gold, cattle, etc.) by shouting and trading with one another until they collect nine matching commodity cards. Whoever collects theirs first then get to ring the bell to signal the end of the round. It’s a pretty fast paced game and it doesn’t take too much thought for the little ones. And who doesn’t love shouting at one another?! Another winner in our book.
Eric and I actually received this one as a wedding gift ages ago. It’s one we’ve enjoyed for many years and always made its way into the pile of stuff we’d take camping with us. Now the kids enjoy playing. It’s easy for them to understand, putting the cards in numerical order, and doesn’t provide too many challenges.
We taught this one to the kids during our last big snow storm. The power had gone out and we wanted to do something to keep their mind off that fact. This is a special game for my husband, who spent countless hours playing with his grandparents when he was young. I even recall he and I playing with them a time or two after we were married. It took some time to explain, but once they got the hang of it, they loved it.
Pass The Pigs
I realize that this isn’t a card game, but it’s the ultimate family favorite! We will typically play this one on a Saturday night after dinner or take it on road trips. It’s compact size is perfect. And who doesn’t LOVE rolling two little piggies as a pair of dice?
With Easter quickly approaching how easy would it be to add one of these to your family game collection. I’d also love to hear what your family’s favorite games are. Leave a comment or shoot me an email with your suggestions. Game on!