Where is summer going? Didn’t my kids JUST get out of school? I have to be honest, this hasn’t been the slow, simple summer I was daydreaming about and planning well before my kids got out of school. We’ve been busy, bouncing around from play date to play date, camp to camp, game to game. I have to wonder when if and when it’s going to stop. When do my plans for a slow and simple summer come to fruition?
Maybe they don’t and I just need to be ok with that. I’m so thankful for my husband who reminds me that this season of “busy” isn’t going to last forever. And, for heaven’s sake, summer isn’t over yet! We still have a month and a half left and most of that is unscheduled and unplanned.
For now I’m just going to savor the slower moments. I’m going to get as many snuggles in as I can with the baby, make crafts with my oldest daughter, put together a puzzle with my youngest son, and read with my oldest. I just need a shift in perspective.
Here’s hoping for a summer to savor!
Check back next month to learn how we survived our two week road-trip 🙂